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103 N Prairie View Rd
Mahomet, IL, 61853
United States

Dog Tracking Collars

Largest Lineup of Tracking Collars Anywhere

Durable and weather resistant units are available in a wide range of sizes, power and other variations to meet your needs.   Lithium Batteries used in our collars have shelf lives and capacities many times higher than regular store bought alkaline batteries. Our lithium batteries also have a much greater power output which, when coupled with our efficient transmitters, means superior range and life.



-Injection Molded ABS plastic
-Magnetic reed switch activation
-Stainless Steel nylon coated antenna
-Daglow or seven-ply Neoprene Collars
-Digital Pulse for clean consistent tone
-High gain amplifiers for Maximum range
-5 year warranty on electronics


Our Radio Tracking Collars are high power, long life units designed to aid in tracking your dog over extended distances for long periods of time. The transmission power and battery life of our Radio Tracking Collars is superior to that of GPS systems. GPS systems typically only last for a few days of continuous broadcasting, whereas our collars will last for up to 2 years continuously broadcasting. This ensures that if you have lost your dog you have PLENTY of time to find them. These Radio Tracking Collars are very powerful and able to penetrate dense cover, customers have even found their dogs wearing our Tracking Collars in underground caves and drainage tiles; this is a feat that GPS will never accomplish.

Superior Range & Battery Life to GPS:

GPS : 24 hours of battery life and onlly 5-7 miles of range

LLE Tracking Collars: 1,000 to 16,000 hours of battery life and 15-21 miles line-of-sight range.





from $119.00

The LD-4-16K Tracking Collar is one of the longest ranging collars available.  With a range of more than 15 miles on flat terrain, the LD-4-16K is a very reliable collar and great for dogs 50 pounds or over.  It offers outstanding battery life and the option of treeing mode or pointing mode.

Weight: 12 oz.

Range: 15+ Miles, on flat terrain

Battery Life: 16,000 hours

Collar Model:
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